School Age Kids - Page 26 of 28 - Your Kid's Table

Starting Solid Foods

Starting solid foods with your baby can be an exciting and nerve racking time. Here you’ll find the best practices for how to spoon feed, when to introduce baby food, and how to transition to table foods. Looking for food ideas? Grab our Mega List of Foods for Babies and Toddlers below!

Top 5 Guides for Starting Solids

Child Development Skills

If you want to support and encourage kids' overall developmental skills, you’re in the right place.  You’ll find incredible guides here on core strength, fine motor skills, executive functioning skills, and lots more. Check it all out below!

Top 5 Developmental Skill Guides

School Age Kids

From preschoolers to kindergartners all the way up through the elementary school aged years, this is the place to get all the strategies targeted towards school age kids! Check out our free meal plan for kids and how to help kids fall asleep!


Learn more about kids nutrition, especially as it pertains to picky eaters! Find tasty recipes, portion size recommendations, and even how to teach kids about nutrition.

Top 5 Nutrition for Kids Guides


With every one of our picky eater and family friendly recipes, you’ll find simple strategies for helping kids learn to explore and enjoy them. Check out some of our faves like potato skins, crispy green beans, or our mega list of vegetable recipes!

Sensory Issues

This is the place for ALL things sensory: sensory processing, sensory diet, sensory activities, sensory toys, and more, because as OT’s, sensory is our thing!  Get started by grabbing our printable list of 21 sensory red flags you might be missing.

Sensory Diets

A sensory diet is all about meeting your child’s sensory needs to calm, regulate, and improve focus through specific sensory diet activities. Grab our free sensory diet template and list of sensory diet activities below!

Sensory Toys

Sensory toys can be amazing for encouraging any child’s development, but it's especially helpful for regulating kids with sensory issues. Figure out which sensory toys, like fidgets or a sensory swing are best for your child below.

How to Teach Your Baby or Toddler to Eat Table Foods

As OT’s, we’ve worked with A LOT of babies and toddlers that won’t eat solids. Eating is a skill just like talking or walking, and some babies need more help. Snag our Learn to Eat Table Foods printable to get started!

Top 5 Guides to Help Babies That Won't Eat

Baby & Toddler Feeding Milestones

In the first few years of life, babies and toddlers go through a lot of different feeding milestones, from learning to chew to drinking from a straw. Here at Your Kid’s Table, you’ll find detailed guides for each of the feeding milestones. Check them out below!

Feeding Therapy

Here you will find all sorts of resources about feeding therapy, including feeding therapy strategies like food chaining. To get a printable of 20+ feeding therapy ideas and oral motor exercises, click below!

Top 5 Feeding Therapy Guides

Occupational Therapy

Our team is all occupational therapists, so here you will find incredible resources for and about pediatric occupational therapy. Some of our top picks to check out are spatial awareness activities, primitive reflex testing, and sensory integration!


We have eating and sensory strategies for teens too, and you can find them all here. Let us know if there’s a topic you’d like to see covered for teens!

Top 5 Guides For Teens


Get the help you need with our library of strategies to help kids progress in their development or overcome a challenge. Check out our specialties: sensory, picky eating, and babies learning to eat.

School Age Kids

How to help preschoolers and elementary school aged kids 6 through 12 years old with picky eating, sensory processing (and sensory activities), and other areas of development. Get started with our 15 Handy Lunch Ideas and The Best Fidget Toys for School.

How Meal Planning Can Help Picky Eaters: Guest Post at Super Healthy Kids!

Many of you following along here at Your Kid’s Table or on our Facebook page know that I love meal plans. Wonder how it might help a picky eater or problem feeder in your life? Well, I got the scoop on that over at Super Healthy Kids today. I am thrilled to be guest posting there, as many of you know it is an amazing site full of wonderful resources related to healthy eating for the whole family. Don’t be shy when you hop over, leave me a comment and...


10 Awesome and Cheap Sensory Toys

 Get inspired with incredibly beneficial and cheap sensory toys that are prefect for kids development or those with sensory needs, autism, or sensory processing disorder. Get the most bang for your buck!     It is the holiday season, which leaves many parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles on the hunt for toys a child will treasure. It can be challenging, to say the least! I have compiled a list of my top ten favorite sensory toys that any...


Easy Feeding Tips…From My Table to Yours

    Our family is in a huge transition right now. 11 weeks ago we moved in temporarily with my mother after selling our house before we could move into our new one. I knew there would probably be set backs in all areas of my 2 year old’s life. Our routines are different and the dynamic with extra adults around has changed mealtimes in particular. I have always considered my nearly 3 year old’s eating to be pretty good. However, since we have...


How Much Sugar is in Your Kid’s Food?

Sugar. We know our kids shouldn’t have a lot of it. We know cookies, cake, and soda are loaded with it. If we only give our kids those high-sugar special foods in moderation, then we are moderating their sugar, right… Sadly, the answer is no! Many of the everyday foods we feed our kids are loaded with sugar, even the food that seem to be “healthy”. So what am I referring to? Well, nearly every single kid yogurt on the market has 3-4...


Getting Your “Picky” Eater to Explore New Foods

I am excited to announce that I am sharing my first guest post today, over at Playing With Words 365! This post is for anyone who is struggling with their kids variety of foods, but any parent can take away some great ideas. “Picky” eaters can be frustrating and drain our patience reserves quickly. When that happens you need a game plan, you know, some new strategies. I have that game plan! Click here to check it out! Feel free to leave comments for me...


5 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Your Kid During Meals

I have been meaning to write this post for a while now, in fact it was one of my first ideas. It has been on my mind because the language and environment we create around eating can significantly impact how our kids eat, for the good or for the bad. I hear parent’s say these statements so often and I know that they probably don’t realize that they may be making mealtimes worse. Here are five of these common phrases and why you shouldn’t say them....


Not-Spicy Asian Peanut Sauce Recipe for Kids

 I want to share a new recipe I tried and adapted for our family. As I have mentioned previously, I have been having some difficulty with my now 1 year old’s (Ahh, I can’t believe he’s one!) eating. Although, I haven’t had to deal with concerns about Isaac’s weight gain, it has been very stressful for me as a mom. I have had to give myself little occupational therapy pep talks every day. Things like, “You can’t feed...


Picky Eater Tip: Put it on a Stick!

This is the second post in a regular series I have started, Picky Eater Tips. Click here, if you missed the first tip. Although this tip is great for “picky” eaters, all kids will enjoy it. Kids love to eat food on sticks! I have to admit, I enjoy it myself. In this post, I will show you how to use sticks when you are stuck in a rut in the middle of a meal, as well as some fun meal ideas.  I have a bag full of “tricks” that I use...


Cooking with Your Kid: Quiche, Made Your Way

  Quiche is a perfect, light, summer dish that is very forgiving and versatile. I love to cook anything that requires you to throw everything into one pot or bowl and stir. Also, you can serve it up for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and it reheats well for leftovers. We had it for dinner last night and I knew it was a bit risky for my kids. Sam always needs some encouragement to eat some of his scrambled eggs (quiche is basically scrambled eggs in a pie shell)...


“Picky” Eater Tip: Expand on What Your Kid is Already Eating

This is the first post, in what I think will be a regular fixture around here. I know many of you have found your way to my blog because you want your kid’s to eat more, so I want to continue to give you specific strategies on a regular basis. Of course, I always include tips in just about every post I write and will keep doing that, too! This series is titled “Picky” Eater Tips. Please take note of the quotations. I actually hate the label picky...


Get the Toddler Food Printable Pack!

Get inspired, plan your meals, or just copy the done for you meal ideas with this awesome printable for toddlers and babies!

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