picky eating Archives - Page 5 of 9 - Your Kid's Table

Starting Solid Foods

Starting solid foods with your baby can be an exciting and nerve racking time. Here you’ll find the best practices for how to spoon feed, when to introduce baby food, and how to transition to table foods. Looking for food ideas? Grab our Mega List of Foods for Babies and Toddlers below!

Top 5 Guides for Starting Solids

Child Development Skills

If you want to support and encourage kids' overall developmental skills, you’re in the right place.  You’ll find incredible guides here on core strength, fine motor skills, executive functioning skills, and lots more. Check it all out below!

Top 5 Developmental Skill Guides

School Age Kids

From preschoolers to kindergartners all the way up through the elementary school aged years, this is the place to get all the strategies targeted towards school age kids! Check out our free meal plan for kids and how to help kids fall asleep!


Learn more about kids nutrition, especially as it pertains to picky eaters! Find tasty recipes, portion size recommendations, and even how to teach kids about nutrition.

Top 5 Nutrition for Kids Guides


With every one of our picky eater and family friendly recipes, you’ll find simple strategies for helping kids learn to explore and enjoy them. Check out some of our faves like potato skins, crispy green beans, or our mega list of vegetable recipes!

Sensory Issues

This is the place for ALL things sensory: sensory processing, sensory diet, sensory activities, sensory toys, and more, because as OT’s, sensory is our thing!  Get started by grabbing our printable list of 21 sensory red flags you might be missing.

Sensory Diets

A sensory diet is all about meeting your child’s sensory needs to calm, regulate, and improve focus through specific sensory diet activities. Grab our free sensory diet template and list of sensory diet activities below!

Sensory Toys

Sensory toys can be amazing for encouraging any child’s development, but it's especially helpful for regulating kids with sensory issues. Figure out which sensory toys, like fidgets or a sensory swing are best for your child below.

How to Teach Your Baby or Toddler to Eat Table Foods

As OT’s, we’ve worked with A LOT of babies and toddlers that won’t eat solids. Eating is a skill just like talking or walking, and some babies need more help. Snag our Learn to Eat Table Foods printable to get started!

Top 5 Guides to Help Babies That Won't Eat

Baby & Toddler Feeding Milestones

In the first few years of life, babies and toddlers go through a lot of different feeding milestones, from learning to chew to drinking from a straw. Here at Your Kid’s Table, you’ll find detailed guides for each of the feeding milestones. Check them out below!

Feeding Therapy

Here you will find all sorts of resources about feeding therapy, including feeding therapy strategies like food chaining. To get a printable of 20+ feeding therapy ideas and oral motor exercises, click below!

Top 5 Feeding Therapy Guides

Occupational Therapy

Our team is all occupational therapists, so here you will find incredible resources for and about pediatric occupational therapy. Some of our top picks to check out are spatial awareness activities, primitive reflex testing, and sensory integration!


We have eating and sensory strategies for teens too, and you can find them all here. Let us know if there’s a topic you’d like to see covered for teens!

Top 5 Guides For Teens


Get the help you need with our library of strategies to help kids progress in their development or overcome a challenge. Check out our specialties: sensory, picky eating, and babies learning to eat.

5 Holiday Meal Ideas That Picky Eaters Will Love

Check out these 5 slam dunk holiday family meals that your picky eater will devour and the rest of the family will enjoy too! Leave the worries about what your kid will eat this holiday behind.     If you’ve got a picky eater, they you already struggle on the daily with planning family meals. Or, you might not even go there and just give your child the same food everyday, because that’s all they’ll eat. Either way, you’ve got your...


Why You Shouldn’t Use the “Try-It” Bite Rule with Picky Eaters

The Try-It-Bite Rule is a popular picky eating tip, but does it really work? This feeding therapist is weighing in and letting you know why it may do more harm than good.     I love Pinterest and use it all the time for recipes, decorating, and travel tips. I’m also inspired by other bloggers sharing parenting tips and strategies. But, as I scroll through, I’m always nervous that I’m going to run across a pin that promises “how to...


Are Super Picky Eaters Doomed to Eat Badly for Life?

Is your picky eater so extreme with what they will and won’t eat that you wonder if there’s any hope for them to actually eat new or different foods? Find out if that’s true from a pediatric occupational therapist.      “Nothing has helped, I’ve accepted that it isn’t going to get any better.”   She’s referring to her son’s SUPER picky eating, what I and many other feeding therapists...


Letting Go of the Worry and Stress of Having a Child That’s a Picky Eater

The weight of worry and guilt when you have a picky eater can be crippling! Find out how a mom of an extreme picky eater turned it all around!     Have you ever felt the heavy worry of wondering if your child is getting enough nutrition or if they’re healthy? If they’re nourished, if they’re getting all the nutrients they need? I bet your answer is yes, if you have a picky eater. And, a close cousin to that worry is guilt. Guilt that...


5 Tips That Gave Me More Time to Help My Picky Eater

Life is busy and it can be hard to make the time to help picky eaters learn like to new foods. Check out these 5 hacks to make progress with your picky eater do-able.    Picky eating is a big vague term that we use describe everything from a child that doesn’t like to eat broccoli, to a child that only eats the same 3 foods every single day. But, not all picky eaters are created equal, and if you’ve taken the picky eating test, you know...


Get the Toddler Food Printable Pack!

Get inspired, plan your meals, or just copy the done for you meal ideas with this awesome printable for toddlers and babies!

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Grab our 5 Calming Techniques for Big Emotions and Regulation!

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