Feel like you’re banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your child won’t eat anything or refuses to eat at all? There are real reasons and ways you can help picky eater kids. Learn how from a feeding expert and mom.
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As an occupational therapist, parents ask me all the time “Why does my child refuse to eat anything?”
It’s frustrating when you try to serve new foods, or worse, when you serve something they’ve eaten before like their beloved chicken nuggets or peanut butter crackers and they refuse to eat!
Most kids will do this occasionally, but some kids are refusing to eat on a regular basis.
What’s going on with kids that almost never seem to eat?
Or, will only eat if you feed them?
Or, the child that won’t eat and is losing weight?
As a parent, it’s scary, confusing, and stressful. You may wonder if you’re just dealing with a picky eater’s preferences that are like shifting sands.
It’s often much more than picky eating – more on that in a minute.
“My 2/3/4+ year old won’t eat anything” – Where to Start
To help kids that are refusing food, we have to start with figuring out WHY they aren’t eating, because consistent food refusal is not a typical part of development.
In fact, when a kid is repeatedly not eating with or without weight loss, it’s a BIG red flag that something more is going on.
It’s time to put on your detective hat and get to the root of the problem so that you have the tools to help your child eat more food, and avoid power struggles at family meals.
5 Reasons Why a Child Refuses to Eat Anything
The truth is that there are A LOT of reasons why kids refuse to eat food. In my experience, as a occupational therapist with a specialized feeding background, I believe that most can be organized into 5 different reasons.
However, we have to be clear that when a child is regularly refusing to eat very little of any food or has only a few favorite foods that they are willing to eat, they may qualify for a diagnosis of Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD), which was just added as a diagnosable code in October of 2021.
Another option is Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, however this is closely linked to anxiety. See more in number 5 below for more info!
This is a good thing because children that are struggling to eat have often been described as picky eaters, which isn’t an adequate definition and leaves kids not getting the help they need.
As you read through the list below, look for signs you’ve seen in your child as a possible explanation. It’s very possible that several of the the underlying difficulties below are present in a child that often won’t eat.
Keeping that in mind, let me explain in some more detail.
#1. Physical or Medical Issues
Although this may seem like the most obvious reason kids don’t eat, it is often the most overlooked, or isn’t explored thoroughly. When kids have a well documented medical condition or are visibly sick, it is obvious that their eating is affected.
But, sometimes there are more subtle signs that are incredibly easy to miss. Two of the biggest culprits are silent acid reflux and constipation. Both of these very common problems for kids can put a halt to eating.
Although acid reflux is common in babies, it can also have an impact on kids much older, even if they weren’t diagnosed as an infant.
Unfortunately, many times it’s because kids don’t complain that their stomach is hurting. Many of them don’t even realize it because they have felt that way for so long OR they are too young to put into words how they are feeling.
Read more about acid reflux in children and to find a few natural remedies.
My older son has struggled with constipation since he was about one year old. I have to carefully watch his fiber intake and when he starts to get a little backed up, his eating is greatly affected.
Every time he doesn’t eat well, I have to ask myself, “Does he need to go to the bathroom?” The answer is usually, yes! Managing your child’s constipation can be a huge game changer in helping them eat new foods.
Read more about severe constipation in children and natural remedies to fix it.
If your child’s refusal to eat is more of a phase, you may want to consider teething, not feeling well, or fatigue as possible reasons for not eating.
And sometimes, if your child is chronically sick or tired, then food refusal or picky eating may become a way of life for them.
I strongly encourage you to see a pediatric GI if your child has any physical symptoms, or if you’ve ruled out the other causes listed here because there could be other possible digestive difficulties. There are many other, although less common possibilities such as:
- Food allergies (3-5% of kids)
- Food sensitivities
- Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)
- Delayed stomach emptying
- Physical abnormalities in the throat, mouth, or gut
- Tongue, lip, or cheek ties
Some signs that your child may have any of the above medical issues are:
- Eating only small portions
- Difficulty swallowing dry or rough textures
- Dropping a food they used to like such as milk, yogurt, or eggs
- Only wanting liquids and not solid food
- Holding chewed food in their cheeks (pocketing food)
However, each of those signs can have multiple explanations! That’s why that detective hat is important!
It’s a good idea to discuss it further with your doc!
#2. Sensory Processing Causing Food Refusal
For many picky eaters, sensory processing plays a big role in their refusal to eat foods. Simply put, if something feels gross in their mouth or on their hands, they aren’t going to eat it.
The fancy therapeutic term we give for when a child doesn’t want to touch different textures is tactile defensive. And, when they don’t like certain textures in their mouth, or chew/bite/lick everything else but food, it is a sign that their oral sensory system needs some help.
Clues that your child may be refusing foods because of sensory input are: gagging, squirming, or seeming frightened by the sight, smell, touch, or taste of a particular food.
Often, the first signs appear when parents try to feed babies baby or table foods. Sometimes, these reactions start as the taste buds become more developed between 1-2 years old.
And, other times, older kids can develop texture and taste sensitivities that weren’t there when they were younger!
Extreme Sensitivity and Fear of Anything in or Near the Mouth: Oral Aversion
Oral aversion also fits into this category.
If your child has had medical testing, feeding tubes, severe vomiting, or a physical incident in or around their mouth/throat (even from a infancy), they may be scared to have anything come toward their mouth and be overly sensitive in the area.
On the other end of the sensory spectrum, a child may not be able to discriminate food in their mouth well and they will unsafely stuff a large amount of food into their cheeks like a chipmunk.
This helps give them some feedback as to where the food actually is. These kids lose track of the food easily and can’t chew it well. Soft foods that aren’t easily discriminated (think mashed potatoes, cheese, etc.) are usually refused because they can’t manipulate them well in their mouth.
Sensory is often the hidden link in picky eating and food refusal, and while a lot of parents haven’t heard of it before, it’s critical to address it so that your child can learn to eat a variety of nutritious foods at meal times with the rest of the family.
If you can understand why your child is refusing food from a sensory perspective, well, it changes everything. To understand the connection better, read sensory processing and picky eating.
What May Be Causing Chronic Poor Appetite: Interoception
While frequent snack times and drinking milk throughout the day can spoil a child’s appetite for the next meal, some kids never seem to feel hungry or understand what fullness is.
This is related to one of the hidden senses called interoception. Basically, a child with poor interoception isn’t recognizing signs from their stomach that it’s time to eat or to keep eating until they feel full.
It’s like they’re lost in transmission. The good news is there’s a way to improve this appetite awareness! Learn more in our interoception article.
3. Oral-Motor Skills
We take it for granted, but chewing is a coordinated skill just like walking, talking, and learning to read. It doesn’t come easy for all kids. Therapists call the ability to bite chew, and swallow, oral-motor skills.
Signs that your child may not be chewing well are:
- Choking/gagging after the food is already in their mouth for a few seconds/minutes
- Pocketing food (holding it in their mouth)
- Wants to eat soft or pureed foods
- Spitting out half chewed food
- Food falls out of mouth accidentally
- Can’t remove food or crumbs from lips or corners of mouth with their tongue or lips
- Throwing up food that looks like it has hardly been chewed
- History of difficulty breastfeeding
Often, these signs are apparent in young children because they have a hard time learning to eat table foods or even pureed foods. While kids with any of the underlying causes listed could have a difficult time with weight, kids with poor oral motor skills get tired and frustrated.
They give up on eating quickly and may not get on a growth curve.
Some kids will start refusing to eat foods because they don’t know how to chew it or they are scared they are going to gag/choke/throw up again on the food they literally don’t know how to eat.
This can continue into the teen years, although when left untreated, kids may figure out some workarounds.
But, it’s not uncommon for a 12 year old’s refusal to eat to be linked in some way to oral motor skills. Head over to Oral Motor Exercises to learn more about how to help your child improve their oral motor skills.
Sometimes, oral motor difficulties snowball to include sensory defensiveness too, because when a child hasn’t eaten any other textures in a really long time or ever, they become very sensitive to them.
These other textures may seem strange and even uncomfortable when they touch or feel them.
If your child never transitioned well to crunchy table foods, then you’ll want to check out How to Transition to Finger Foods
4. Routine, the Typical Picky Eating Phase, and the Snowball Effect
I strongly believe that structure and routine around food and meal time is critical to kids eating well.
Because for some kids with average picky eating, changes to the meal time routine can help your child reduce “junk food”, come to the dinner table easily, and eat more of what we often consider “healthy” meals.
There are some kids that will manage to eat well with a lack of routine, but by and large, most kids’ eating habits will suffer greatly without a regular routine.
Without a routine, kids can slide into eating a separate meal away from the rest of the family and may not eat much food when they eat alone.
If you don’t have regular meal times, pay attention to how frequently your child is eating. Do you eat in front of the TV often, and/or mostly let your kids pick what they want to eat?
If they don’t have a wide variety of foods, only want snack foods, or aren’t willing to try foods, lack of routine may be the reason for it… or at least part of it.
I commonly see this compounded on top of one of the other 4 reasons kids don’t eat. When there is a problem with eating, we get overwhelmed and start grasping at straws just to get them to eat.
This is another way the bad habits can begin and then play a role in food refusal.
That’s not to say that you’re to blame, I mean our kids have to eat, right? And, we do the best we can with what we know. Don’t feel guilty about choices you’ve made in desperate situations.
I promise you that even with the pickiest eaters, there is a way out of eating in front of an iPad or them having their own separate meals. It is one step at a time and I’ll show you how in my tips below.
Although many kids that rely on a screen to eat often get to that point because eating is difficult because of oral motor, sensory, or medical issues.
The Typical Picky Eating Phase
One other common factor is that some children start off as good eaters, and then between 1-2 years of age, eating starts to go awry. Annoying, upsetting.. yes!
Like it or not though, it is NORMAL for toddlers to go through a picky eating stage as their taste buds mature and they begin to want to exert some control into their lives. Parents, sometimes, get scared when their child that had healthy eating habits is now not eating as well, and will begin to throw routine and structure out the window.
The Snowball Effect
With parents just wanting their kids to eat anything or at least some healthy snacks, short order cooking is ushered in, among numerous and otherwise well-meaning, but sabotaging techniques, and parents are left with a bona fide picky eater months or years later.
Although the intention was in the right place, the lack of routine can lead to long term eating refusal and difficulties.
I call it the snowball effect because the eating difficulties started off small and grew with momentum over time, just like a snowball rolling down a big hill!
To make sure you have a solid routine, grab our free Picky Eating Essentials printable, it includes 9 important steps to improve eating and 25+ food ideas for picky eaters.
5. Anxiety
Most parents I talk to with kids over 5 think that anxiety is the main factor for kids that refuse to eat, and it is often a component. Kids that have a hard time chewing, get stomach aches or worse when eating, or can’t stand the texture of so many foods are scared to put new or different foods in their mouth.
Eating has often not been enjoyable and filled with negative experiences, so yes they are scared. They are anxious.
But, I don’t consider anxiety the main underlying cause unless it goes into clinical psychological anxiety. In which case, kids will often make the following types of statements:
- I’m scared to eat the spaghetti I might choke
- I really want to eat that, but it might be contaminated with germs
- What if there’s poison in the pizza? I just can’t eat it
With clinical food related anxiety, kids often become irrational. And, they often have clinical anxiety in other areas of their life.
This is different than a child saying, “I’m scared that food is going to feel slimy like the avocado”. That is a sensory based fear and is treated differently.
If a child has clinical anxiety and NO OTHER underlying causes that have impacted their eating and are typically over 5 years old, they may qualify for an Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder diagnosis (ARFID), however I see this diagnosis frequently mis-diagnosed when PFD is more appropriate.
If you aren’t sure, get a few opinions and please feel free to leave us a comment below, we answer every one!
What if My Child is Refusing to Eat Because They’re Being Bad?
A lot of people advise parents that kids are being “bad” or that the reason they are refusing to eat is behavior-based. Although behavior plays a role, it is actually a small percentage of kids that actually refuse to eat based solely on behavior.
In fact, with the hundreds of families I’ve treated and the thousands I’ve taught in our online picky programs, I’ve never seen one kid’s picky eating that can be solely explained by behavior.
Now, please don’t mistake me, even the youngest of tykes will learn quickly what they need to say or cry or throw to get what food they want.
All kids go through different stages of development when they are testing boundaries and you can bet they will test it at meal times, too. After all, this is one of the few areas where they actually have some control. But, these kinds of little phases are short lived and aren’t severe.
For kids that have a history of being picky eaters, behavior is a piece of the puzzle, but typically, it has evolved from one of the legitimate reasons listed above.
And, when you address the underlying cause, the behaviors around meals decrease!
What to Do When Your Child Won’t Eat
If you can’ tell yet, here at Your Kid’s Table, picky eating is our thing. We have a lot of resources for parents and therapists working with picky kids.
No matter what combination of reasons are causing your child to be a picky eater, you’ll want to start with not pressuring them during meals while putting a consistent routine in place for them like having regularly scheduled meals with no snacking in between to help them start eating.
Then, focus on specifically addressing the underlying cause, whether that is sensory processing, medical, or oral motor skills.
Once you have a solid routine (grab this free printable to help develop one) and are addressing the underlying cause, you can also use some of my favorite picky eating tips. I love to use dips (even if you think your child hates them, I show you how), fun tools like toothpicks (trust me) and divided plates.
Plus, there are lots of novel ideas like making food fun, and I’m not talking about elaborate food scenes that you spend an hour cutting out.
And, my favorite tip that can make a huge difference is cooking with your kids! I know everyone says that and parents think, “Not my kid”. But, hear me out. I show you how to do it, tell you why it’s important, and give you these recipes designed for picky eaters:
- Pumpkin waffles (added nutrition)
- Bruschetta bar (this seriously is the best dinner for ANY picky eater that likes bread)
- High calorie smoothie
- Homemade chicken nuggets your kid will eat! (my special recipe)
- Not-spicy homemade tacos (check out the very motivating taco truck that can come to the table!)
- Banana sweet potato bread
- Roasted Cauliflower (2 of my kids tried cauliflower for the first time with this recipe)
- Crispy Potato Skins (basic recipe that’s perfect for picky eaters, got one of my kids to eat potatoes with this recipe)
For even more food ideas, head over to healthy snacks for picky eaters and healthy recipes for picky eaters (you’ll find a free printable too!)
If you’ve tried a lot of these tips before and want to dig a little deeper (only use these after you have a routine and positive environment), then you can move on to my heavy hitting picky eating tips. These require a little more thought, but can have a huge impact.
Read about how to get your child to explore new foods and build on what they are already eating with food chaining.
Lastly, to save your sanity, find out how to have just one family meal, even with a picky eater (you can do it!) and how to keep mealtimes positive, even when that seems impossible.
I know you may be tempted to feel overwhelmed at this point, but resist! This page is here (pin it so you can come back). Remember, one step at a time!
Getting More Help for the Child that Refuses to Eat Anything
Having a picky eater, let alone an extreme picky eater or child with PFD, can be extremely overwhelming and paralyzing. I’ve experienced it myself and the worry can take over your life. But, there are a few ways to get help from a professional:
- I highly recommend learning proven strategies that you can use everyday to start improving your child’s eating, this is possible no matter how picky they are! There’s so much bad advice out there, but in my free workshop I teach you exactly what 3 strategies to start working on now. That could make a difference, today. It’s totally free and you can grab a spot in here!
- Learn more about feeding therapy for picky eaters, and if it would be a good fit for your child. However, feeding therapy is often just once a week, which is why it’s important to have those strategies you can use at home.
You might need the tips and link shared here again. Save it to Pinterest here!
More Articles for the Child that Refuses to Eat Anything
8 Tips to Keep Your Child Seated at the Table
Fun Plates, Forks, and Other Cool Stuff that Get Kids to Eat
8 Things You Can Do When a Toddler Refuses to Eat
Are Food Jags Affecting Your Picky Eater? What you need to know…
Alisha Grogan is a licensed occupational therapist and founder of Your Kid’s Table. She has over 20 years experience with expertise in sensory processing and feeding development in babies, toddlers, and children. Alisha also has 3 boys of her own at home. Learn more about her here.
My son is 4.5 year old. He will not eat nothing. His food is very limited. He will only eat peanut butter, chocolate cream cheese and Nutella. He will only eat 2 or 3 time a day 3 to 5 half full of tea spoons ever time. Drinking only water and orange juice occasionally. He will not try or eat anything else. His feeding started to trend down at age 15 months. I have attended for years all the workshops, worked with OT, resource consultant, took him to the doctor, now I am working with feeding clinic at sick kids.
He is growing, and he is not getting any better with the feeding. He is starting to loose weight and his feeding is getting worse. Until today no one knows what is wrong with him. I am looking for help.
I’m so sorry to hear all of that angham. It must be very overwhelming. I do have a comprehensive picky eater program, that would teach you how to use my techniques at home and get to the bottom of what is going on. You can find out more at yourkidstable.com/mealtime-works
My son is 4 years old , very thin. always unhappy. he is not eating enough means if he gets break past then he will not take lunch. he also suffers from pain in his legs even if he stayed at home all day.
give him some ice small pieces
it will open his appetite
chicken pieces and long noodles you have to play with it,give him vanilla shake ,water and aloe vera drink with straw you suck it making noise and don’t look at him he will mimic
Do you have any insight on throwing up? Our 20 month old is currently in intensive feeding therapy (behavioral method). He was born with a cleft lip & palate and due to surgeries at a young age – he has developed oral motor delays and has sensory issues with eating. He has been g-tube fed since 9 days old due to aspirating thin liquids. We were able to start purees at 5 months old and he did great! Then he had his palate surgery at 9 months old and he had some eating restrictions while he recovered. He went back to purees when the restrictions were lifted. We then started thickening pediasure when he turned 1 year old & he started refusing the purees as we were transitioning to table foods…he started out great… but then a downhill battle began when he started drinking all of his calories and wanted nothing to do with table foods. When we enrolled in the feeding program, he was eating about 5 bites of meltable solids a day and drinking 24 oz of 1.5 pediasure while we did 15 oz of water flushes through the g-tube. After 3 months of feeding therapy he is learning how to chew and he now accepts purees again. We give him 12 oz of 1.0 pediasure, 12 oz of thickened water, and 16-20 oz of pureed table foods spoon fed to him per day. Unfortunately – he has started vomiting at least one full meal (8-10 oz) while he is eating per day for the last 8 weeks. We are so lost and we aren’t getting much feedback/help from the feeding team. We made an appointment with a GI (he never had one before)- but won’t get in for at least another month. He doesn’t give us any signs that he is about to throw-up until about 30 seconds before it happens…. and he will go right back to eating right after he does. Any ideas???
**Sorry – meant 16 oz of thickened pediasure**
Daycare, family members, etc. think he’s just getting “too much”… Nutritionist says he needs all the calories… Therapists don’t know why…
Throwing up is something I’ve seen before! Have you tried tracking what meal it is? Also, are you force feeding (no judgement) or using distractions to feed him? Its possible he’s getting overly full, even if it doesn’t seem he should be. Is it possible to get a second opinion from a nutrionist or spread his meals out more so that he isn’t eating as much at one meal? Is their any chance its allergies to dairy, a particular fruit, soy, etc.? I’ve seen that response due to allergy as well.
My son was what I would call a normal picky eater up until about 6 weeks ago. He would eat okay. Wouldn’t try manynew foods but had a solid list of things he would eat regularly including 5-10 fruits. He doesn’t eat anyvegetables. About 6 weeks ago iur whole family had a stomach bug and we ate very little. It seems since then he eats less and less types of foods. He now will only eat applesauce, no other whole fruits that he did before. He is picky about the crust on nuggets and spits out some foods at the end of chewing saying he can’t swallow. He is a very stubborn 5 year old and low weight. I am just not sure if this will improve with some of these strategies or we need more intervention from a feedimg specialist. Its very stressful.
Oh Marcie, that’s a tricky situation and sometimes this happens after a major illness. Try to keep up with your normal routine. I’d also really look into the sensory aspect (click through those links in the post). Helping him get used to textures could be really helpful. Also, get him to help cook, tell him in the morning he’s going to help that day and give him a few reminders. That can be great for getting him used to foods again.
As for feeding therapy, its a tough call, it never hurts to get him looked at! Let me know if you need more help!
My son is 5 years old and he don’t want to eat for 4 days now. All he can eat is just snacks & and he than develops behaviour changes of crying every night & some times insulting my mother when he I’d insists to sleep with the lights on at night. He’s not staying with me as a mother but with my mother. Pls help.
Hi Anna, so stressful, I get it! Did you see the second part of the post for How to Get Kids To Eat- I just updated, but I’d take a look at that closely. There are a lot of links in there. I’d take you time and look at one at a time, focusing first on the positive eating and routine. I know it sounds silly, but getting these two down pat can be total gamechangers.
My son is Autistic, he’s just turned 4 and he refuses to eat. He only eats oats in the morning, 3-5 spoons, 25mmls full cream milk (out of a bottle and teat) in between and sometimes 2-4 spoons of porridge and when he eats well he’ll have 15 spoons. But this is not consistently, some days he will just have his milk 4-5 days a week. Is this enough for him?
Sorry that should be 250mls of milk
Its hard to say, I’d ask if he is growing well- your pediatrician would tell you if he wasn’t. Is it 250 ml’s just once a day? I will say most kids benefit from about 16 oz a day when they are eating a varied diet. Of course there are often many layers to a child with autism not eating. I know it can be very overwhelming to say the least. Is feeding therapy an option? I’d also recommend clicking here, I have several articles organized there for kids in your son’s situation with eating that may be helpful. Lastly, did you see the free workshop for picky eaters, I’m doing two live next week!
4 year-old only eats baby food and junk food. Won’t touch table food like fruit, veggies or meat. Tried daycare where the food was ALL that was offered for 12 hours, with other kids (and it was good, catered food) and she refused it. This was at 20 months. At 17 months she stopped eating, just stopped. Baby formula, still, so she does not get anemic! She is 4 now. Will she really outgrow it? She screams if she smells food or is near it. Nobody pays much attention as she has 6 siblings. She has never had dinner with us. She eats mostly cheese. That is the one thing she does like that’s not total junk. 98 for height and weight. She does not eat a healthy diet, and I can see she will struggle with being chubby at this rate. I hate that she won’t eat any healthy food. She eats baby food and it’s $1.50 for every big slurp of a puree pouch. Otherwise she would never get any fruit or vitamins from fruit. She costs more to feed than all the other kids!
I’m so sorry, I know how stressful this is, truly! I’ve worked with so many kids in similar instances. I don’t like when people say they will outgrow, many won’t, and if its possible I’d look into getting her some more help- one or more of these underling issues are probably in play. I have a new article that might be of some help, everything about feeding therapy. Also, I have A LOT of resources on this site, if you want to start working on it home, I’d start here.
Take a look at these and let me know if you have any questions!
My wife had serious childhood eating issues. She would refuse to eat and was malnourished as a young child. I remember my in-laws saying jokingly(pretty sick) that my wife would only eat ice-cream for about 3 years. I think this may have had several causes. 1. My mother-in-law didn’t like cleaning up after small children ate, so she would repeatedly tell her kids they were messy/bad. 2. My mother-in-law would often refuse to cook, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law would argue about this in front of the kids. When this happened, my father-in-law would just grill burgers. I have heard my wife and brother-in-law say that they ate hamburgers almost every night for dinner as kids. To this day my wife will not touch a hamburger.
Thanks for your sharing. Now, I know some tips to help my little brothers.
Didn’t find any point that would answer our situation. Teeth were not mentioned at all. So my dd (5yo) had stuck some meat in between her teeth, that wasn’t possible to floss out untill it rotted (two visits at dentist..) then it was confirmed a cavity was formed (on a third visit). Dd started to avoid meat altogether. Iron level droped dramatically. Now she is moody, taking iron drops, looks like a skeleton and even tho is hungry refuses to eat what is served (by her own choice). I am lost at how to get her back to eating.
Hi Laura- this would fall under medical, there are so many medical issues that it would be impossible for me to list them all. It sounds like the pain from the cavity causes a negative association with food. I have so many resources here for picky eaters, click on the this and you will find a few articles to take you through. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions!
Hello and thank you so much.
My 3 year old daughter is spitting out her food. She used to eat rice, pasta, grilled chicken, even at places like Chili’s and Olive Garden. Lately, she started to chew on her food and spit it out after it is in liquid form.
She has stopped eating crackers and bread which she loved. Now, she is just eating baby cereal, yogurt, milk, pediasure, and fruit puree. She is energetic about getting the food in her mouth, but chews and chews to then spit it out.
We’ve shed so many tears lately because we don’t know what to do. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you.
Hey ,
I am in the exact same situation about a week ago my daughter(5) who is a good eater and loves her fruits and veggies refuses to eat hard foods she says she feels like she is going o choke when it is going down, she has never been like this and she is chewing any food she is eating for ages before she swallows it . I am starting to worry 🙁
Hey Caroline, I’m so sorry, I’m sure this is tremendously stessful. Have you had her checked by the doctor? Her throat could be sore, her tonsils or adenoids could be enlarger as well. I’d get an appointment scheduled- hope that helps!
I’ve just stumbled across your site and I’m excited to learn more about how to help my 2.5 YO eat better. I think his issue is a combination of mechanics and sensory. He used to struggle with fast let-down when he breast fed and now he will chew chicken, meat or pasta and then spit it out or gag once the broth/juice is gone. He loves fruit and veggies. Don’t get me started on him gagging on butternut squash or beets. The weird thing is when he was on an appetite stimulant last month because he was ill, he was eating anything and everything. Does this mean it’s not a mechanics issue? I tend to default to him being stubborn but your website has helped me understand that’s not the case. I’m just having trouble zero-ing in on what his issue(s) is/are. He has to be entertained in order to eat and is more likely to eat if he’s on the couch watching TV but I won’t fall into these bad habits. Thanks in advance.
Hey Nancy! I know you’re in the Mealtime Works Lite class now, which is going to be so great for you, BUT I wanted to answer you here too! This is really interesting… you know it sounds more sensory to me, but I’m sure is coupled with some learned behaviors. Mealtime works is going to give you a solid plan, for sure. If you put everything in place and still feel like there’s room for more improvement let me know (as we talked about in the email) because the modules that you’re missing are for those underlying issues. So glad you’re in class Nancy:)
Thanks for the great post. after reading this i feel i still have hope that my son can start eating coarse foods. My son is 21 months and do not eat coarse foods. When i blend the food to a paste he eats it. When i give him biscuits/crackers he will take a bite and chew but will not swallow. if i give him rice blended a bit coarse he will use his hand to remove the food in his mouth and will not swallow it. After reading this I really could not see where my son fits 🙁
It’s great article. Many Thanks I thing it’s very important mom to know all solution of feeding problems and I already write it in my blog.
My son stop eating his normal food and more likely to fond of junk food like chips, normal bread and apple juice only. His normal food behaviour was normal which has been changed last 2 months. Good thing is, he still active and drinking lots of water and his digestion seems pretty good. In that case to change his food behaviour what we can do?
I would always offer other alternatives. Don’t let him choose his own foods, but always have one food at a meal that he eats at least 50% of the time. I think it would be very helpful for you to head to the “start here” button in the menu bar. You will find step by step tips to get you started on the right track. Take a look at that and let me know if you have questions!