How to Soothe Your Child's Cold Naturally - Your Kid's Table

Give your child or toddler safe relief from that nasty cold with these 5 natural remedies that soothe!



It was a heartbreaking moment, and I felt totally helpless. My two year old was laying in my arms with a cough that sounded like a seal basking in the sun on the beach.

Except, he wasn’t enjoying a day in the sun, he was sick with a nasty cold and croup.

We had gone to the doctor and there wasn’t much they could do, but I wanted to at least soothe his symptoms. And, whether you’re into the whole natural holistic health thing or not, you can’t give young children any over the counter medicine for colds.

It seems like there’s nothing that can be done… But, there are some powerful safe remedies you can use for your child to not only soothe that cold, but also boost their immune system so they get over it quickly!

I’m proud to say that Maty’s Healthy Products is sponsoring this post, because they’re the best when it comes to putting powerful healing ingredients into parent’s hands that they can trust. I personally use Maty’s cough syrup and chest rubs on my kids because they use whole food ingredients in their products that I actually know and recognize. Click here to check out their cough syrups and chest rubs.


Give your child or toddler safe relief from that nasty cold with these 5 natural remedies that soothe!



Why Bother with Natural Remedies for Colds


Besides having no other choice when your children are young, in modern times, we’ve forgotten the time tested healing remedies that our own families used generations ago.

But, they worked!

Recent studies show numerous health benefits for foods like honey, lemon, ginger, cinnamon, oregano, and much more. We tend to overlook these foods that nature provides, but they’re powerful when we use them intentionally and even combine them to give our kids an immune super boost!

Personally, as a mother, it gives me tremendous peace of mind that my child isn’t going to have any harmful side-effects and that I can at least help soothe their cough or stuffy nose.

Which has the added benefit of less whining too!


5 Ways to Soothe A Child’s Cold Naturally


Simple is good, you agree? In this list, you’ll find easy ways to give your child some comfort when they have a cold without looking for obscure ingredients or making elaborate recipes that they may not eat.

I’ve used all of these remedies and I can say that they have all been helpful in providing some relief and actually helping my child fight off that nasty bug!


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1. Sore Throat Popsicles

While it’s true that you can use any store bought popsicle to provide a little numbing to a sore throat, making your own takes a few minutes of prep and a few hours in the freezer to have them ready. Throw some orange juice and lemon in a blender and you’ve got a great start. No added colors or artificial ingredients.

You’ll want to avoid milk because it increases mucous, but almond or coconut milk is a great substitute if your child likes a creamy style popsicle. To kick your popsicles up another notch, I like to add some honey or Maty’s cough syrup to the smoothie. Check out my sore throat popsicle recipe I used with some homemade tea and Maty’s cough syrup.


2. Cool Mist Humidifier With or Without Essential Oils

Our humidifier is a God-send. I swear my kids always sleep better with it on. We pull out a big version like this one when the kids are sick, but a smaller version like this is made to accept essential oils. Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oils are a great place to start, as they can help keep the nasal passages clear and prevent illness.

Give your child or toddler safe relief from that nasty cold with these 5 natural remedies that soothe!

We use a cool mist humidifier because it’s less maintenance, warm mist humidifiers are an option though too! And, if you don’t have one and need relief ASAP, steam up a bathroom and go in there with the doors closed. This will ease coughs and release thick stuffy mucous.


3. Immune Fighting Smoothie

If your child still has an appetite, making a smoothie that they can drink from a straw can not only help keep them hydrating, but give them some germ-fighting nutrition. With that said, you want to be mindful of the ingredients you’re using. Here are some ideas:

  • Sunflower seeds (make sure they are ground all the way)
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Avocado
  • Honey
  • Pomegranate
  • Papaya
  • Ground flax seed
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Berries
  • Coconut water (high in electrolytes)

Again, you’ll want to avoid milk, besides the increased mucous, it can also cause an upset stomach. Think about any sort of nut milk or coconut milk to make these. But, you can also aim for a juice based smoothie with crushed ice. Pomegranate and citrus are particularly awesome. This is another chance to add Maty’s cough syrup because it’s already crammed full of immune building goodness.

And, if your child doesn’t drink much of the smoothie, throw it into some Popsicle molds to try it again!

If you want a specific recipe to follow, head over to my Immune Boosting Carrot Cake Smoothie.

Or, if you are looking for a natural weight gain smoothie for kids, click here.


4. Soothing Chest Rub

This is a classic go-to for some parents. I have many memories of my mom smattering a chest rub on me when I was sick, but I didn’t know then that it had petroleum in it. Not something I want to be smearing on my kids. I’m so grateful for Maty’s chest rub because it’s totally free of any unsafe ingredients.

Give your child or toddler safe relief from that nasty cold with these 5 natural remedies that soothe!

I love the chest rub because quality versions have ingredients that penetrate the skin on the chest and directly impact the lungs and throat. The smell of the rub also helps to open nasal passages.

If your child doesn’t like their shirt sticking to their chest as a result, try a button down shirt that’s partially open to minimize the wallpaper effect.


5. Eucalyptus Warm Bath

Close the bathroom door and fill up the tub with warm water, be careful to not let it get too hot. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, or even lavender oil. 2-3 drops should be plenty.

The warm quiet bath can help calm any aches and it can also help relieve stuffy noses. The oils aid in this and help detox the body. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salts to detox even further.


And, it’s totally possible to use all of these remedies together. It might go something like this:  Make smoothie while your child rests on the couch, serve it to them while you watch some TV (this is one time I don’t mind the distraction!), use a tablet, or read a book. Take the leftovers and make make popsicles. Put them in the freezer.

Draw a warm bath with Epsom salts and essential oils. Allow them to bathe for 20-30 minutes if they have the energy and interest. Dry them off, put on the rub, and within an hour or two, bring a popsicle to them!

Do you have any natural remedies you like to use at home when your child has a cold? Tell me in the comments below, we’d all love to have more ideas!!

Give your child or toddler safe relief from that nasty cold with these 5 natural remedies that soothe! #sorethroat #immunebooster #naturalcoldremedies #naturalcoldremediesforkids


More Immune Boosting Ideas for Kids


5 Ways to Make Sure Your Kid’s Immune System is Strong

High Fiber Immune Boosting Banana Sweet Potato Pumpkin Bread

Amazing Foods with Probiotics for Kids that Can Have a Big Impact!



Alisha Grogan is a licensed occupational therapist and founder of Your Kid’s Table. She has over 14 years experience with expertise in sensory processing and feeding development in babies, toddlers, and children. Alisha also has 3 boys of her own at home. Learn more about her here.



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