4 Ways to Help Your Picky Eater When You’re Utterly Exhausted
Learn 4 simple things you can do to help your picky eater, even if you're tired, exhausted, and feel like you have nothing left to give. There's still hope and helping your child is do-able... When my son's eating was at it's worse, I had two kids under the age...
Why Some Kids Gag and Throw Up When They Eat or Even Look at Food!
Does your kid gag or throw up when they look at, touch, or taste a new or different food? It seems odd and is worrisome, but it's critical to understand why your child is gagging/vomiting and how you can help them! Your heart skips a beat when you see your...
3 Tricks to Get Kids to Eat WITHOUT Their Tablet or TV
It can be a serious stressor when your child will only eat if they're distracted by a screen! There's a way to help them learn how to eat without any screens, try these 3 tricks today... Will your child ONLY eat if they're distracted by a tablet that's...
Why We Shouldn’t Blame Parents for Their Kid’s Picky Eating
Have you or somebody else blamed your kid's picky eating on YOU? Think again, because parents often aren't the reason for their kid's picky eating. Learn why and how we can help parents of picky eaters. Give her what you're making for dinner and if she doesn't eat it,...
4 Simple After School Routines That Will Cut Out Chaos
After school routines can help kids calm and transition back to being at home after a long school day. Check out these 4 simple after school routines for kids of all ages. She walked in the door after a 7 hour school day and already seemed edgy. When her...
Surprisingly Delicious + Healthy Homemade Kale Chips: A Perfect After School Snack!
Kale is an amazing super food and this kale chips recipe is a perfect way to get it into your kids, even if they're a picky eater. Enjoy these kale chips as an after school snack or side dish! In the chaos of getting a 4 year old out of the door after a...
7 Yoga Poses to Calm Kids Down FAST!
Get your hands on 7 yoga poses that are easy for kids, but help them calm down whether their anxious, overstimulated, or have sensory issues. Easy to follow photos and descriptions for each calming yoga pose for kids. It's no secret that more than ever kids are...
Does Hand Dominance Matter? 5 Activities to Encourage Hand Dominance
Wonder if your kid is a righty or lefty? Learn when your child should have clear hand dominance and why it matters. Plus, easy activities to help your child establish hand dominance. Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure. I met my little...
The Best Fidget Toys for School that Help with Wiggles and Attention
Find the perfect fidget toy for school to help your child focus and sit still while they're learning in the classroom. You'll also learn what fidget toys teachers can't stand and usually ban from their classrooms! Affiliate links used below. See our full...
Chocolate Dipped Fruit Pops: An easy healthy dessert recipe for kids
Try this delicious and easy healthy dessert for kids... chocolate dipped fruit pops. Two different ways to make them and only 2 main ingredients, you probably have what you need to make them right now! Kid got a sweet tooth, and you want some healthy...