Healthy Kid-Friendly Meals For Picky Eaters
25+ healthy meals for picky eaters that are easy and kid friendly. Free PDF printable with meal ideas! We've all done it. You're scrolling on social media with hopeful excitement and see a super healthy meal that any picky eater will supposedly eat. You decide it...

Ultimate List of Sensory Bin Ideas, Incredibly Easy!
40 plus easy sensory bin ideas that are perfect for home or school. And, get tips to encourage play and benefits of sensory bins. Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure. Lots of sensory bin/box ideas are floating around in the...

Create a Sensory Diet with this Template: Free PDF
The ultimate guide to sensory diets that includes a sensory diet template PDF, powerful sensory diet examples, and 4 steps to make your own sensory diet today! Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure. Are you hearing about a sensory diet for the first...

8 Tricks to Improve Transitions for Children
Does your child need help with transitions? Learn 8 strategies and transition activities to lose the meltdowns and move from one activity to the next without a fight. Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure. Change is hard. Most people can...

Here’s a Method to Help Kids That Hate Hair Washing
Do you dread washing your kid's hair because they hate it so much and throw a total fit at any attempt to do so? Understand why your child hates hair washing and learn these simple strategies to help! It was the night before school picture day and I was...

How To Help Your Highly Sensitive Child Thrive!
20+ signs of a highly sensitive child that often feels and experiences the world deeply and with more sensitivity. Learn how sensory sensitivities also play a role and what you can do to help your child cope with these challenges. Affiliate links used below. See our...

10 Winter Sensory Occupational Therapy Activities
Here are 10 sensory activities for you to include in your treatment sessions and share with parents during the winter months. Learn why sensory activities and “heavy work” are important for all kids, and how to include the proprioceptive system during play. ...

6-7 Month Old Feeding Schedule for Parents
Get a printable 6 month old feeding schedule with helpful tips to use and adjust for your baby through the end of their 7th month. And, grab some bonus feeding tips that will help you safely and confidently feed your baby! Affiliate links are used below....

Dabbldoo Review: Fun Tools to Help Kids Eat New Foods
Picky eating can feel like a huge burden on parents, but Dabbldoo's fun food picks and brush are helpful tools to help kids explore and eat new foods! I’m proud to say that Dabbldoo is sponsoring this post, because their mealtime tools are one of a kind. Affiliate...

How to Explain Sensory Processing Issues to Your Child
Teaching your child about sensory processing issues or Sensory Processing Disorder helps kids feel empowered and advocate for their own needs. Learn how to explain it all simply to your child! Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure. I...