Blog - Your Kid's Table
10 Auditory Sensory Activities for Kids and Toddlers

10 Auditory Sensory Activities for Kids and Toddlers

Auditory sensory activities are perfect for helping kids overcome auditory processing disorders, auditory seeking and auditory sensitivities. Try these 10 activities to help with auditory sensory processing. “She is so loud! She yells and talks over me constantly.”...

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The 8 Senses Explained: Unraveling the Mystery

The 8 Senses Explained: Unraveling the Mystery

Learn about the 8 senses of the body that make up sensory processing, how they work, what they each do, and how the 8 senses relate to kids with sensory processing difficulties. Most of us know that there are 5 senses, we learned about them in kindergarten, but there...

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8 Sensory Seeking Activities to Calm a Wild Child

8 Sensory Seeking Activities to Calm a Wild Child

Use sensory seeking activities to calm and organize sensory seeking behaviors in your "wild" child or toddler that seems to never stop moving. Would you describe your child as wild, rough, or dangerous on a regular basis? If so, those could be signs of sensory seeking...

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How to Break the Toe Walking Habit in Your Child

How to Break the Toe Walking Habit in Your Child

What causes sensory toe walking in children and how do you address it? Learn about toe walking sensory strategies, how it relates to sensory processing disorder, and when to be concerned.    In one of our most popular articles of all time, 10 Sensory Red...

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The Parent’s Guide to Sensory Processing Issues

The Parent’s Guide to Sensory Processing Issues

Sensory processing is a critical part of every child's development, but some kids have sensory processing issues that can impact every area of their life. Find out exactly what sensory processing is and when to be concerned about sensory issues.   Have you been...

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Does Your Child Cry All the Time? This Might Be Why…

Does Your Child Cry All the Time? This Might Be Why…

Have a toddler who cries all the time, or an older child who is always crying? Learn hidden reasons why your 1, 2, 3, or 4 year old constantly cries and how to help sensitive kids.   He was probably about 4 years old, and since he was my oldest child, he seemed...

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The Best High Calorie Foods for Babies

The Best High Calorie Foods for Babies

The best 19 high calorie foods for babies/toddlers, tips for baby weight gain, and high calorie baby food recipes and easy add-ins. Everything you need in one spot! Affiliate links used below. See our full disclosure.   There are two reasons parents are often...

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We've Saved You a Seat

We've Saved You a Seat

We've Saved You a Seat

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Grab our 5 Calming Techniques for Big Emotions and Regulation!

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