Milestones - Your Kid's Table

feeding milestone guides

One of the main reasons I started Your Kid’s Table in 2012 was to give parents clear and simple guides on all of their child’s feeding milestones. Over the last few years, I have covered everything from bottle weaning to straw drinking to using utensils. I strive to provide every detail to help both your and your child achieve new skills. These “how to’s” usually include strategies to assist your child in overcoming any difficulties they may be having with a particular skill and guidelines for when it is a good idea to seek out more help.

It is very important to acknowledge that although I believe these articles to be valuable resources, every child is different and development will be unique to each child. I encourage parent’s to trust their instincts, educate themselves, and discuss concerns with their pediatrician or other appropriate medical professionals like OT’s, speech therapists, and nutritionists.

Feeding Milestone Guides

Feeding Milestones for Babies and Toddlers

Baby’s First Meal

Why You Should Let Your Baby (or toddler) Get Messy Eating

How to Make Your Own Baby Food – Simplified!

Baby Led Weaning Pros and Cons

How to Teach Your Baby (or Toddler) to Drink from a Straw

How to Transition Your Baby (or Toddler) to Table Foods {Part 1}

Transitioning Your Baby (or Toddler) to Table Foods {Part 2}

Mega List of Table Foods for Your Baby or Toddler

Toddler/Preschooler Portion Sizes

How to Wean Baby From Bottle

Teach Your Child to Self Feed

How to Wean from the Breast

Feeding Schedule for 6-7 Month Olds

Feeding Schedule for 8-10 Month Olds

Feeding Schedule for 11-14 Month Olds



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