The Conquer Your Child's Picky Eating Bootcamp

Free for a limited time…

The Conquer Your Child’s Picky Eating Boot Camp

Join OT, mom, and picky eating expert Alisha Grogan to learn:

  • What picky eating tricks make picky eating worse
  • Why your kid is soooo picky and what you can do about it
  • The 5 step plan to end food wars stress-free and get your kid eating new foods! 

100% free, but only available for a limited time. Save your seat now!


Got a REALLY picky eater?

Feel like you’ve tried everything to get your super picky eater to eat new foods, and nothing has worked? Or that nobody else has a kid as picky as yours? 

That’s what I specialize in! Even for the pickiest of kids there’s hope (see the testimonials below from this special event that we only run one time a year).  

It’s never too late, but to see change in your kids eating and end the mealtime drama, you need to do something different. You need a simple plan with new strategies! In this 8 day bootcamp, that’s exactly what you’ll learn in compact video lessons, free printables, and with me and my team of OTs’ direct support.  

There’s nothing to lose. Get in now before it’s gone…


Why Parents Trust This Approach

Get a seat in the picky eating bootcamp to learn what these parents did:

Alisha Grogan MOT, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist & Mom

Alisha Grogan is the creator of the popular website, Your Kid’s Table, as well as Mealtime Works, a complete online picky eating program. She’s a pediatric occupational therapist with over 20 years of experience working with thousands of families around the world to help kids learn to enjoy food and eat a wider variety. Alisha is also a mom to three boys that have given her the chance to put her strategies into practice on a daily basis.

What to Expect in the FREE Picky Eating Bootcamp:

  • Bootcamp officially begins on Sept 5th and will run for 8 days! 
  • 3 core lessons will be taught LIVE, but recordings will be available 
  • Support from Alisha and her team of OT’s
  • Printables and worksheets
  • A private and free Facebook group to ask questions, get bonus content, and connect with other parents that get it

Don’t miss this once-a-year bootcamp to end food battles in your home!

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Your Kid’s Table © 2024

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