Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities (/happy) - Your Kid's Table

Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities

8 weeks of fun, powerful activities to rock with your kid this summer!

Summer is a unique time…

Kids have more time to explore, play, and improve their sensory processing, which is what the 24 detailed Happy Campers activities are designed to do!

The warm weather and overall environment of the summer months create opportunities for special sensory activities that are hard to do at any other time of the year!

Take advantage of it!

The Happy Campers Summer Sensory Activities are designed to:

Support Your Child’s Development

Set the groundwork for reading, improved attention, motor skills, and even improving picky eating.

Improve Their Sensory Processing

Designed to help your child improve their calm, focus, and decrease sensory sensitivities.

Combat The Effects Of Screentime

Interactive and fun, these activities will get your kids moving and stimulate their brain in new ways.

What’s inside Happy Campers?

The Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities includes 3 activities a week for a total of 24 activities (with a few bonus ideas here and there). These activities are organized into 8 weeks, each with its own theme.

The activities include:

  • A supply list for each week

  • Detailed instructions and sensory benefits of the activities

  • How to make adaptations or variants of the activities

Designed to be easy to print and hang on your fridge and follow along, these activities are do-able while packing a lot of sensory punch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I receive the Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities?

After purchasing, there will be a direct download on the confirmation page.  You will also receive an email with a link to download a PDF of the Summer Activities. You WILL NOT receive a hard copy—it is a digital copy only.  This PDF can be saved to your phone, computer, or tablet and printed out or used electronically.

Can I share the PDF with my friends?

Your purchase is for one household. It is against our copyright policy to print and distribute, even to friends or colleagues. However, if you are a therapist, you have permission to use the PDF with anyone on your caseload.

My child is a sensory avoider. Will this still be helpful?

YES! Inside the Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities, you’ll find a wide variety of sensory activities, some of which you may be surprised to see your child enjoys. For any challenging activities, you can break their participation into small steps so they can begin to break down their sensitivity. We also share lots of tips and alternatives to activities.

What age is the Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities geared towards?

Happy Camper Sensory Activities can be used for kids 2 to 12. For the youngest and oldest of kids, you may have to make some adaptations, which we share when applicable within the activity instructions.

Happy Campers Sensory Summer Activities was created by Pediatric Occupational Therapists.

As pediatric OT’s, we know sensory processing and carefully choose activities that would target various aspects of your child’s sensory processing skills to help sensory seekers get their needs met, to help decrease sensory sensitivities (including picky eating), and even improve awareness for kids that have low registration! 
While these activities are particularly helpful for any kid with sensory needs, they’re beneficial for ANY child because sensory processing is a foundational building block of all child development. 
We’re excited for you to put them into use!
With Love, 
The Your Kid’s Table OT’s

Have any other questions?

Email us at hello@yourkidstable.com

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